News & Updates

Struggle for the Birthright
The birthright is a sorter, a sifter, a judge, and a rewarder.
Why did Elisha ask for a double blessing from Elijah? Is Elijah’s mantle not enough to indicate transfer of position? Is replacing Elijah not enough? How is the double blessing related to the birthright? And why and how should the African church respond to the birth right?

How Not to Retrieve an Attempted Stolen Future!
Two sent. Two to lead. One to lead at a time. One did not understand it. Only one could lead, one at a time. So, he trapped himself. Often foolish. Often shortsighted. Unhealthily threatened. But he was brave. He was courageous. They were hidden gems, hidden skills soon to be unleashed by Samuel’s anointing.

Sep 17, 2020
Righting The Wrongs Of The Ancestors: Africa Washes The Feet Of Descendants Of African Slavery
LET HEALING BEGIN WITHIN! Africa prays. Africa pleads. For many years. For many decades. For centuries. God’s answer a wrestling match! What kind of answer is this, O God (Genesis 32:22-32)?

Oct 2, 2017
Africans Rising Together.
About 230 people representing 31 countries gathered together at Elmina, Ghana, from October 2 to 5, 2017, for the Fourth African Forum on Religion and Government (AFReG 4). Of the about 230 participants, 31 were African Americans or African Caribbean.

Apr 9, 2019
Africa: God’s Trump Card - 400 Years of Trial, Tenacity & Commission
Prophetic Word for all of African descent in all Afroscapes (Mother Africa, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean & Europe)

Oct 10, 2018
Jamaica Declaration and Apology
Kingston, Jamaica—One outcome of the fourth African Forum on Religion and Government (AFReG 4) has been the increased level of cooperation between Africans and Africans in the Diaspora. This is evident in the call to action by the Jamaica Christian Diaspora Conference 2018.